I’m the mom of Antonio, who’s 5 months old now. My son was born with a very nicely shaped, round head, but after 1,5 month he got pneumonia and spent over a week in hospital :( where he was connected to drips almost all the time. In that time my baby boy had to stay in bed, which caused the beginnings of the occiput, and additionally deepened the head right- turn. After the hospitalisation we started a fight to make him turn his head to the left as well, which was accompanied by constantly positioning out child to his left side, unfortunately with no effects, because he turned to “his” side. I started to place a teddy bear under his right side, we also did exercises suggested by neurologist which helped.
But, at the same time it caused a quite unsightly flattening on the back of his head, because he slept on his back all the time :(
It made me spend a few sleepless nights and I decided to search for information and deal with this problem in the most effective way. I was terrified by the photos of children in helmets, the stories read on blogs, forums, etc. At least, I found the photos of children- their heads “before” and “after” the use of Head Care pillow, and this convinced me to buy one.
I said I wouldn’t like to see my child in a helmet and for a couple of months. Since over a month Antonio has slept on the pillow, his head started to get round and I’m sure I’ll buy a bigger size, to continue shaping my son’s head with no effort
I warmly greet the moms who are still in two minds about buying a pillow, considering its price, there’s nothing to wait for, you need to invest in healthy children :)