

Helen’s been a really strong girl since her birth. As parents we tried to place her on her sides interchangeably, as the midwifes suggested. Despite our effort we noticed, that she prefers her right side and all our positioning went for nothing. Visits to the doctors didn’t teach us more than we had already known: “ it will all come back to normal, put wedges under her side, etc.”. Of course we couldn’t leave it that way and depend on the doctors’ words.

We made an appointment to a physical therapist. The consultation showed that Helen is quite asymmetric, with a tendency towards torticollis, which affected the flattening of the right side of her head.

Advised by the physical therapist we ordered the Head Care pillow immediately. In spite of many worries, because Helen loves Tummy Time now, the Head Care pillow works perfect! Helen spends every possible moment lying on the pillow- baby gym play time, carriage walks, naps.

What’s more important, we can see that lying on the pillow doesn’t bother her, and the effects of improvement on her head, asymmetry reduction, are visible, even though we’ve had it for only a month.

We really regret not coming across such a wonderful product as Head Care pillow, and I keep telling every parents not to wait- our little ones’ health is most important!

Parents of 5-month- old Helen

Warm greetings!