“Tosia is now 17 months old, but about 13 months ago, when every sleeping and awaking ended up on the same side, turning didn’t work, our baby daughter’s head started do deform. I started to read about how I could help my child have a round, beautiful head.
Incidentally I got into Head Care website. I ordered the pillow without the slightest hesitation. We were just coming to grandma and grandpa for vacation, and the pillow was already there, waiting for our Tosia. After a month the result was amazing, the head shape basically got back to its normal shape. The following month brought about more effects.
It’s worth investing in your baby’s health not to find out that one they would reproach us we neglected them. The pillow substitutes we’d tried before didn’t work but the original makes magic. I’m writing about substitutes because we live abroad and we didn’t have access to the original, we tried to help our baby straight away but as you can see Head Care takes it all.
Tosia has a beautiful shaped head now. I recommend this pillow in 101% to all the parents who have problems with their babies’ little heads.
I’d like to add that the pillow travelled to Tokio, where we still keep using it. Tosia is going to have a baby brother in September, I hope everything is going to be fine with his head but, if something’s up, the parents are prepared and mommy, daddy, Tosia and the baby will be able to sleep well. With Head Care under the head.
Here’s our story, which, thanks to you, had a happy ending.”